The First Treatise (Surrah Al Asr Four Matters) Part 4 - Communal Obligation الاولى : العلم The second category of knowledge, which is waajib al-kifaayah. "This includes the rulings of trading, and the rulings of dealings and transactions, and the rulings of religious endowments, and the laws of inheritance." Topic Communal Obligation (waajib al-kifaayah) Learner Targets After listening to this module you should be able to: understand the meaning of waajib al-kifaayah (communal obligation). Module Eight The First Treatise - Part 4 | 13m:00s Click button BELOW to Play audio; STOP this Module at 34m:49s Communal Obligation Transcripts page 9 | Questions (5) page 11-12
The Ultimate Guide to Islamic literature featuring 10 Minute Audio Lessons and treatise for convenience